Photo of the day: Geminiani's retro ride

Enough posts about doping... here's a great photo to put a smile back on your face.

Some guy in France restored an old Peugeot 203 into a replica of the 1956 St. Raphael-Geminiani team car.   The'first' extra-sportif sponsor of pro cycling, St. Raphael aperitif sponsored the grand fusil (big-gun) himself, Clermont Ferrand's favorite son, Raphael Geminiani.

When they made Gem, they broke the mold.  He could talk as good a game as he rode. A total character, super aggressive and one of the last living greats of the '50's.  Later a top sports director for Tour winners Anquetil, Aimar, Merckx and Roche.  More on Gem here.

No GPS, TV or race radio in this puppy. But way, way more style.

Flandria Cafe needs a ride like this.

Link to "Geminiani's Blog" here and read more about this very cool restoration.
(photos courtesy


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