It's all about the motor.

It's a funny sport, this cycling. You can't just look at a guy and tell if he's any good. It's not the size of the leg muscles, or the physique. It's what's inside that counts. The heart and lungs' collective ability to feed leg muscles with a rich supply of oxygen, continously. It's all about the motor baby. Good plumbing, good power. Look at Coppi. No no no... I mean really look at him. Here's some photos taken after he won the 1949 Tour de France by Paris Match. Does he look like a great athlete? More like a concentration camp victim - with a body marked, broken and crooked by crashes, malaria, and a childhood probably devoid of the necessary vitamins, minerals and those US government recommended daily servings of the four basic food groups. None of this stopped Fausto from dropping everyone on the Izoard though. In cycling, it's not what you can see , it's what you can't . His blind mass...