The Red Guard is Back!
Well, sort of. I just hope Briek Schotte doesn't roll over in his grave! On Wednesday night, in the middle of yet another snowstorm, a group of middle aged American flahutes proved their stripes by ignoring the TV media's 'sky-is-falling' exhortations to stay off the roads, and instead gathering at BikeWorks in Swansea Mass. to share a Duvel toast and launch a new Masters racing team: Fast Eddy's Flandria Cafe - Bikeworks - Flandria . This is what flahutes look like when the beer runs out. We assembled a great group of 45+ masters riders who will focus on doing New England races and Gran Fondo rides. I'm proud to be riding with all of them this year. Who are they? Oh don't worry, this blog will be roasting most of these guys as the season goes on. (Wouldn't be a real wielercafe if we didn't now would it?) For now suffice to say it's a mix of guys whose cycling cred runs the gamut from Ex-Pro to Nieuweling, but who all ...