Fast Eddy's blog is back!

Happy New Year Cafesupporters!

Welcome to the Wielercafe!  This blog is the new home of my old blog, 'Flandria Cafe'.

After riding Race the Ras in Ireland back in 2014, my professional and personal life went into warp drive, leaving little time for blogging. Master's racing had to be shelved. The idea of commentary on pro cycling felt like another disconnected, inadequately informed voice weighing in.   Figured I'd rather spend my spare time riding.  Frankly, I ran out of things to say and just lost interest, so I took a break for awhile. Long enough for the Flandria Cafe registration to expire and someone else to snag it (!)

Since 2014, I've been flattered to have many friends and blog followers reach out and tell me they missed the blog - particularly the old-school cycling history stuff, for which my passion is still alive.  In addition, some personal life changes, and some great cycling adventures with many friends who share our cycling passion have rekindled my interest in writing about cycling again, with a bit of shift in perspective.  A little less about pro racing, a little more about cycling culture, passion, travel, history, and all the things that make cycling such a great sport for life.  (Don't worry, they'll be plenty of Flahute rants when called for!)

So for 2018 I've resurrected and rebranded the blog 'Fast Eddy's Wielercafé.  You'll find many of the old Flandria Cafe articles are posted here.

Fran's Army is going back to the Ras in May for more pubs, cafes and climbs, but hopefully less rain
I've just signed up to ride a great adventure this May in Ireland again - following the Ireland's national tour - the Ras Taileann - along with my friends Alan and Paul McCormack, Francis Riordan and Phillip Cassidy. All excepting yours truly are Ras legends.  (My role is more Papa Hemingway - the guy who thinks he belongs and writes about it!)  It's a group we call "Fran's Army".  It's basically a point-to-point tour extended to stage race level, with occasional throw downs on Irish road interspersed with pub and cafe stops.  Will be posting all about that adventure again.
If you want to read about our last Ras adventure, keep reading - those posts follow this one.
So pull a pint, a trappist ale, or a nice espresso and enjoy!


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