Meer sneeuw? Niet meer meneer...

Glad February is behind us.  Bring on the Sequester:  The USA needs to H-T-F-U as my pals at Velominati would say.

And while we're at it, bring on some of that windy spring classic weather.   And more daylight.  We're ready.  

Dr. Brad and a Flandria at home in their
ideal habitat.  Power washer time!  
It was a tough few months around here to get mileage in.    Lots of wind trainer workouts, but too little out on the roads.  Weather and work combining to thwart old-school base miles ambitions.   This was a winter more like I remember as 'New England normal'...e.g. snow, ice, frigid cold.  

Flandria Cafe's recently revived wielercafe night at Federal Hill Pizza in Warren RI has been a substitute.   Our initial seissun combined world championship level pizza, a massive craft beer selection, and fifteen old school masters, bench racing.  Good craic, good for enthusiasm... but a bit detrimental to the 'kg'. end of the watts/kg equation.  

No no no Tyler... Andy Hampsten wore
Oakley Pilots on the Gavia... 
February wasn't all indoor sports though:  Did get out as much as possible with the other Flahutes around here.

Tyler here models an interesting approach to 'kit" as they say at his 'ol club in Cambridge, UK.   Not sure those ski goggles qualify as old school or not.   More Monty Python ministry of silly eyewear!

That said, they were pretty effective on that ride during constant snow fall.   The kind of ride eliciting incredulity and fist waving from Carhartt-wearing pickup truck drivers who probably thought our Monte Bondone simulation was messing with their best efforts to emulate the latest 'Ice Road Truckers' episode.

To each his own I guess.   Long as those morons don't take me out in a high octane powerslide.

This weekend's looking to be precipitation-free.   Hopefully good for some of those nice long early season base miles rides we're longing for.

Enjoy your rides this weekend cafesupporters!


  1. A little lessson in Dutch:
    I guess you wanted to translate "More snow? No more sir" or maybe "Not again sir".
    Or even something else?
    In case of the first it should be:
    Meer sneeuw? Niet meer, meneer.

    Nice blog. I like it very much.

  2. Ik zie niets verkeerds met Eddys Nederlands. Maar ik woon nu al 25 jaar in de US. Dus het kan zijn ......
    Eddy's knowledge of Hollandse/Vlaamse sport, culture and traditions is truly amzing!
    Love the blog and love het Nederlands!

  3. True. It's the first time that I notice something what's incorrect in my opinion.
    But, after 25 years, 'nee meer'...?
    But, it's not that important.
    I like the using of Dutch/Flemish in an US-blog.

  4. Thanks for the Dutch lesson...Farelli! And thanks for reading!


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