Photo of the day: Cross season is here!

The weather this weekend was still summer like, but hey, don't let the warm sun fake delude you jongens.. cross season is on!

Here's a few great shots of Flandria Cafe's masters veld-meister Marc Tatar taken at the weekend action at the Green Mountain Verge NECXS cyclocross up in Williston, Vermont.

Despite a heavy professional work schedule, Marc somehow found time summon his inner flahute and nail a top 10 place in a highly competitive New England masters field.

Proficiat Marc!  

(And nice form too... a little bit of Adrie Vander Poel, mixed with a little bit of  Klaas Vantournhout.)

Can't wait for the Providence Cross festival coming up in a few weeks.

Time to start the intervals.


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