Team Flandria rides again!

Today our long awaited Flandria Cafe - BikeWorks - Flandria team kit came in.

(Want to see a bunch of old guys acting like kids at Christmas?   Jest get us new team kit... )

I spent part of the afternoon at the shop organizing kit bags for the boys.   Giordana, our supplier, did a great job, the replica Flandria Kits look sweet.  Classic design, for sure.   Red matched the bikes perfectly too.

This is the kit and bike of our masters (45+) team this season.   A real seasoned bunch of American flahutes.

Here we see our big man Marc DeMeyer-stein testing out new kit and his just built up new sweet Flandria Competition rig.

Marc went with Zipp wheels and new black SRAM red.   Nice ride.   No more excuses for bike nausea now Marc... the bergs await!

I think Marc looks better than he did after finishing the Ronde back in '06.   (Needs to work on the aero position though...)

Signing off...I'm now scrambling to get ready for the Quabbin Road Race early tomorrow AM.

They're predicting rain in the 40's, and maybe snow flurries.  My kind of race... shades of Charly Gaul on Monte Bondone, maybe... with a little luck.

Now, where'd I put those heavy winter gloves...


  1. Looks like his seat is too far forward - drop a plumb line from the knee to make sure the ball of the foot is over the pedal axle - not ahead. Might also need a slightly longer stem.

  2. How can I get hold of a pair of the shorts

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