The Jersey Project

Walking the Veloswap expo at the Providence Cyclocross Festival this weekend I saw a lot of familiar faces.

One was 'Bike Guy' Bill Humphries, who was there unveiling his new book the Jersey Project.   After over a year of hard work, Bill has put together an American edition of the Dutch book Koerstrui, an incredible photo collection of famous Jerseys in world cycling.

Bike Guy was one of the original 'Raleigh Boys' from the 70's, and later manager of many a US national team in international competition (including the '78 Junior Worlds in DC when LeMond, Bradley, Demgen and Kiefel took the bronze in the TTT).   The jerseys featured in the USA section bring what's always been a black and white newsprint photo archive history of US racing alive in vibrant living color.   In it you'll find jerseys from all the greats on both sides of the Atlantic.

Jerseys,  Maillots,  Maglie, Koerstrui.   No matter your language, you'll likely get agreement that the only thing cooler than a really great cycling jersey, is a giant book that's the definitive encyclopedia of them.

More than the bike I think, the jersey is the definitive piece of equipment, the artifact that defines the racing cyclist.  Their designs may change with the fashions, and apparel technology advances - but their place in the peloton - and the hearts of the faithful who follow it - has thankfully been constant over time.   A racing jersey is more than a garment, it remains a badge of affiliation, an advertising billboard, a flag, a color-coded visual identifier, a trophy, and yes, even a style statement.

There's nothing like a new jersey as a proven way to quicken the pulse of someone stricken by the cycling virus.  Pull on a new one, and your desire get out and ride goes up just that little bit, your pedal cadence  more energetic,  and your voglia for suffering increases.   Doping for the psyche.  

The Jersey Project: Put it on your Holiday wish-list Jongens, it's a must-have.   You can check it out here and pre-order one now - Bill's first shipment is coming in shortly and getting pre-sold like gangbusters.


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